Prep Work:
- Make sure you have Oracle's 11g R2 client
- Edit you windows tnsnames.ora file so you can TNSPING your environment.
- Install peopletools and your flavor of peoplesoft "HR/FS" onto your windows machine. --Make sure that you install the peoplesoft application to the same folder your installed Peopletools to.
Make sure you have Oracle's 11g R2 client:
- Download Oracle's 11g R2 client.
- Install the Client to the C Drive.
Edit you windows tnsnames.ora file so you can TNSPING your environment:
- Once the client is installed there should be a tnsnames.ora file on your windows box. It should be found in the following directory: C:/oracle/network/admin. If the file does not exist make a tnsnames.ora file in the same location as the sqlnet.ora file.
- Open the tnsnames.ora file with a text editor.
- Modify and save the tnsnames.ora file with the following data: PS91DMO = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = PS91DMO) ) )
- TNSPING your database with your windows box. --Note: It is really important that you can tnsping your database. If you can not even ping your database from your windows box, check the VM network settings. The network adapter should be bridged. Once that is checked and you still can not ping, the tnsnames.ora files on both your boxes and try a tnsping from your Oracle Linux box.
- Open an command prompt:
- Enter in the following command:
- > tnsping PS91DMO
Install peopletools and your flavor of peoplesoft "HR/FS" onto your windows machine:
- We need to download both PeopleTools8.51 for windows and the PeopleSoft Application that you will be running "HR or FS.
- Download Peopletools8.51 and your PeopleSoft Application from Oracle's e-delivery Site.
- Install both applications to the exact same folder. --you just need to install them. You do not need to set them up.
Setup your PeopleSoft Seed Database with PeopleSoft Objects and Data:
- With PeopleTools and your Peoplesoft Application installed, it is time to install the PeopleSoft Objects. From your start menu select the >PeopleTools8.50> Configureation Manager
- When the Configuration Manager open edit the following fields:
- Database Type: Oracle
- Database Name: PS91DMO
- User ID:
- Connect ID: people
- Connect Password: peop1e
- connect Password (confirm): peop1e
- Click the "OK" button.
- Now it is time to open Oracle's Data Mover program. Click the windows start button and select >PeopleTools8.50> Data Mover.
- Enter the following fields and click the "OK" button:
- Database Name: PS91DMO
- Password: SYSADM --Note: It take a while for Data Mover to Load. Give it some time.
- Once Data Mover has loaded ... Click > File > Database Setup
- Select the Unicode radio box and then click the "next" button.
- Select the DEMO database radio box. Then select the PeopleSoft Application Database type and click the "Add" button. Then click the "Next" button. --If you can not find the application that you want check where you installed the application. If you installed the application in the same file as you installed the PeopleTool, you should have no problems.
- Click the "Finish" button. None of the fields need to be modified.
- Click the Stoplight Button to run the script. --Note: depending on your system it can take hours if not days to run. It also works best when you leave the system alone when you run this script. Data Mover is moody when running these scripts. It likes to crash.
- After the script has finished running there is a little bit of clean up that needs to take place. We need to run an sqr script called setspace.sqr
- Open SQR express.
- Open the Setspace.sqr script
- Run the script