In this turorial you will finally see all your hard work pay off. You will be able to see and use the peoplesoft application through your browser. Once installed you will need to start it's services. To do this we will need to install the PIA. So, lets get to it.
- Login to Oracle Linux as the weblogic user.
- Open a new terminal and follow the commands below:
- [weblogic@localhost ~]# cd $PS_HOME/setup/PsMpPIAInstall
- [weblogic@localhost PsMpPIAInstall]# ./
- At this time the PIA installer will start. Follow the enteries below:
- Make sure that all Oracle Weblogic Server instances on your computer are turned off. If you have been following this turotial closely there should be not instanstance running. Just hit the "Enter" button.
- Accept the default location for deploying the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture. [/apps/psoft]
- The installation type should be pointing to "Oracle Weblogic Server". Accept this default by hitting the "Enter" button.
- Enter the following for the web server root directory: "/apps/mdlware". Then hit the "Enter" button. --Note: after you have hit the "Enter" button. The installer will try to detect the weblogic version that you installed at the "/apps/mdlware" directory. It should find Weblogic 10.3.2
- Accept all the default setting for "Administrator Login and Password for weblogic domain" by hitting the "Enter" button.
- Next we need to select the Weblogic domain setting. Select the default "Create New Weblogic Domain" by hitting the "Enter" button.
- Enter the following for the Domain Name "PS91DMO"
- Select the "Single Server Domain" it is the default. Just hit the enter button.
- Enter a name for the Peoplesoft Website. It can be anything, but WRITE IT DOWN. You will need it down the road. I am just going to us "ps"
- Enter the following for port numbers and summaries
- AppServer name [localhost]: --Hit enter to accept the default
- JSL Port [9000]: -- hit enter to accept the default
- Http Port [80]: 8000 -- this needs to be above 1000 or you need to be a root to start the server.
- Https Port [443]: 8443 -- this needs to be above 1000 or you need to be a root to start the server.
- Authentication Token Domain:(optional) [ ]: -- Just hit enter to accept the default
- Enter the following for Web Profile Name [Prod]: TEST
- Select the default for USER ID, Password, Re-type Password -- just hit the "Enter" button.
- Select the default location for the Report Repository location.
- At this time will see a summary of the PIA that you are going to install. Continue to hit the "Enter" button unitl the PIA installs.
- Log into Oracle Linux as the "Weblogic" user
- Open a new terminal and follow the commands below:
- [weblogic@localhost ~]# cd PS_HOME/webserv/PS91DMO/bin
- [weblogic@localhost bin]# ./
- Open a new browser and enter the following address: -- note after /psp/ is the name for the Peoplesoft Website from step 9.
- User Name/ Pass: PS